I’m 14 Years Old And I Moved The World
D.K. Brantley
Grandpa passed away. Big Mike finished cancer treatment. Now Mom and Dad are talking about moving. The thought of leaving the old neighborhood bums me out until Big Mike shows his true colors. Suddenly, moving doesn’t seem so bad.
It’s time to find out if the grass really is greener on the other side of town.
That’s right—I’m 14 years old, and I’m about to move the world.
Escape from Sewageland
D.K. Brantley
Byron Pasha is the new kid at school once again. A bad first day turns terrible when bullies shove Byron into a toilet, transporting him to a world of squishes, squirts, and Tremendously Ugly, Rude, Disgusting Slugs (a.k.a. TURDS).
Can Byron escape or will he be stuck in the stench forever?
For fans of R.L. Stine and Garbage Pail Kids.

Tame the Beast
D.K. Brantley | Rodrigo Paulo
When your anger is burning hot, “taming the beast” means cooling off.
Anger can be difficult to process, especially for children. This delightful picture book starts with some silly ways to overcome anger and ends on a sweet, serious note: If you’re angry, you’re likely part of the problem.
With gorgeous illustrations by Rodrigo Paulo, this is another monstrously sweet picture book by D.K. Brantley that earned a five-star review from Readers’ Favorite!

Every Mummy Has a Mommy
D.K. Brantley | Rodrigo Paulo
Every Mummy Has a Mommy celebrates mothers and the heartwarming bond they have with their children.
Featuring child-friendly versions of classic monsters and their mommies, Every Mummy Has a Mommy provides a fun, sing-songy take on an age-old truth: Every mummy has a mommy, but mine is the very best!

Plain Old Frankie
D.K. Brantley | Sviatoslav Diachyk
Frankie, the son of two classic movie monsters, dreams of being anyone or anything other than plain old Frankie. But is he really all that plain?
Featuring child-friendly versions of the most beloved monsters in modern history, Plain Old Frankie teaches children that everyone is special and unique.
With its brilliant illustrations and beautiful message, Plain Old Frankie is a sure to be a hit with children and parents alike.

Sarah Has Surgery
D.K. Brantley | Adif Purnama
Sarah has to have surgery, and she’s scared.
Thanks to the encouragement of her parents, nurse, and doctor, she realizes she’s braver than she thought.
Sarah Has Surgery is a sweet picture book created to help young children face surgery with confidence. Get a copy today for the child in your life who must undergo surgery.

The Only Magic Book You’ll Never Need
D.K. Brantley | Ekaterina Khozatskaya
Written by a magical dimwit, The Only Magic Book You’ll Never Need has been lovingly called “100 pages of fantastic nonsense.” In it, you’ll learn how to cauterize a severed torso, turn friends into enemies using super glue and headphones, and more.
Becoming an illusionist has never been so impossible, dangerous, and funny.
Read at your own risk. Attempt the tricks and put everyone else at risk.

I’m 13 Years Old And I Changed The World
D.K. Brantley
Mom still won’t let me cut my hair. I still share a bedroom with Grandpa. And my cell phone is still stuck in the Stone Age. But I’ve got a serious problem now.
Big Mike has cancer, and I’ve got to step in and do what science hasn’t yet done. I’ve got to find a cure.
That’s right—I’m 13 years old, and I’m about to change the world.

I’m 12 Years Old And I Saved The World
D.K. Brantley
I’m Adam–Adam Shannon Dakota Carr. Yeah, it’s a terrible name. But it gets worse. I’ve got a super lame cell phone and Mom won’t let me cut my hair.
As if things aren’t bad enough, Dad loses his job and Mom and Dad’s marriage is on the rocks. Now it’s up to me to fix everything.
That’s right–I’m 12 years old, and I’m about to save the world.